1. Appearance and properties:Pure product is colorless transparent fuming liquid, sour taste.
2. Relative density: 1.50 (anhydrous)
3. Relative vapor density: 2.17
4. Melting point(℃): -42 (anhydrous)
5. Boiling point(℃): 86 (anhydrous)
6. Concentration: Content: Industrial grade level ≥ 98.2%; two ≥ 97.2%.
7. Vapor Pressure: 4.4 (20 ℃)
8. Solubility: miscible with water.
Cat.No. | Specatitions | Package description |
1.14003.028 | Nitric acid | AR500ml/GLASS |
1.14003.088 | Nitric acid | AR2.5L/PLASTIC BOTTLE |
1.14003.098 | Nitric acid | CP2.5L/PLASTIC BOTTLE |
1.14003.218 | Nitric acid | AR500ml/GLASS |
1.14003.238 | Nitric acid | AR2.5L/GLASS |